Solar Panel Installation Brisbane

We Install Solar Panels
in Brisbane

Advanced Technology,
Outstanding Results

Why spend a fortune on your power bills when you can tap into the power of Aussie sunshine? At Apollo Solar, we install cutting-edge solar panel systems for homes and businesses.

In addition to helping you slash energy costs, our panels will help you reduce your carbon footprint and increase the value of your property. Our technicians install solar panels in Brisbane, Townsville, Forster and surrounding areas.

Whether you want to sell solar energy back to the grid your property is connected to, or disconnect to become completely energy independent, we have the perfect panel solution. We also install revolutionary hybrid systems—allowing you to effortlessly store the energy you need so it can be used at any time. When you choose Apollo Solar, you can count on receiving outstanding value for money.

If you’d like to arrange a solar panel installation with our skilled technicians, get in touch today. We will ensure you benefit from more than a decade’s worth of industry experience.

Solar Panel Tiers

When you’re installing solar panels, it’s important to consider the quality of their manufacturing. Solar panels are divided into three tiers of excellence.

Tier One Solar Panels

Tier One solar panels make up the top two per cent of solar panel manufacturers. Tier One manufacturers are vertically integrated, meaning they control the manufacturing process at every stage. You can trust them to invest in research, development and equipment, and to commit to improved industry knowledge and expertise. Tier One solar panels are renowned for the pure grade of their silicon, which is long-lasting and delivers outstanding results. At Apollo Solar, we only install premier solar systems from Tier One manufacturers.

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Tier Two Solar Panels

Tier Two solar panels are produced by manufacturers who spend less time and money on research and expertise. They'll rely more heavily on robotics and manual assembly and will have less experience in the industry. While Tier Two manufacturers do produce good panels at competitive prices, they don't match the quality of Tier One systems.

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Tier Three Solar Panels

Tier Three is made up of almost all new solar manufacturers. As these companies usually focus on panel assembly, they don't tend to manufacture their own cells and won't invest in research or development. While you'll pay less for a Tier Three panel, their quality isn't guaranteed. As they use human production lines for panel assembly, quality is variable, and you may end up paying more for maintenance in the long run.

Choosing Your Solar Panels

As there’s quite a variation in the quality of solar panels, it’s important you seriously consider your choices to select the best system for your needs. Many clients focus solely on cost and go with the most affordable option, but there are a number of other factors you should consider when making your decision.

Solar Panels On Rooftop
A Large Solar Panel — Solar Power Services in Brisbane, QLD

Why Choose Apollo Solar?

The following are just a few reasons why Apollo Solar is the clear choice when it comes to solar panels in Queensland:

If you’d like to find out more about what we do, or request a competitive quote, contact our team today. You can reach our Townsville office on (07) 4725 3888 and our Brisbane office on (07) 3177 3385.

Quality Solar Panels For The Australian Sun

Diamond Dual Glass Solar Panels

If you’re considering making the switch to solar, choose Sumec Phono Solar. Our expert team of engineers have crafted the Diamond Dual Glass panels, which have been designed with the Australian climate in mind. Unlike many generic solar panels, which use low-grade plastic backsheets in their construction, Phono Dual Glass panels replace these backsheets with a dual layer of toughened glass. This offers the solar cells the protection they need to hold up against even the toughest weather conditions.

Take hail, for example. Generic solar systems are hail-tested with 25mm hailstones, which are shot at the panels at a speed of 80km/hr. The Diamond Dual Glass panels take this a step further, standing strong in the face of 45mm stones hurled at a whopping 110km/hr. And there’s more. These panels feature Bifacial technology, which allows up to 25% more power to be absorbed from both sides.

Apollo Solar has proudly partnered with Sumec as a reputable installer of these outstanding panels. We stand by the quality of our products and installation methods and love helping our clients maximise their energy efficiency and save money.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a flat roof. Can I still install solar?

Yes, brackets are available to tilt the panels towards the sun. Installing solar panels this way is often easier than on traditional slanted roofs because access is easier.

Which direction do solar panels need to face?

Australia is in the southern hemisphere so the panels should be north facing. If this is not possible, west-facing panels are the next best solution but they can be up to 15% less efficient.

Do I need planning permission for solar panels?

Installations that are not street-facing should not need planning permission. Street facing installations and those on heritage buildings may need planning permission. But you should always check with your local council first.

How many solar panels will I need?

It’s not about how many panels you need, rather it is how much energy you need to generate.

For example, you may need a 6.6kW system to power your home. This could consist of 20x330W panels or 24x275W panels. Either way, they both result in 6.6kW of energy.